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June 4, 2014
Home » 04/06/2014 -
Gambian with courage – Nfally Fadera
By Gainde | |
GAMBIAN WITH COURAGE: Nfally Fadera is fastly becoming: the most
Jamaican singer, Jah Vinci in Brikama this Thursday
By Gainde | |
The Jamaican reggae star behind the hit tune, In My
Nakala? Jali Madi Kanuteh rumored to have married girlfriend, Fatoumatta Jallow
By Saja | |
Rumors are circulating in town that Jali Madi and his
All you need to know about the new couple in town, Fatoumatta and Kajally Jobe
By F Mbaye | |
Fatoumatta Ndure and Kajally Jobe were married at a quite
Did you hear the rumour? Rapper Gee ‘narrowly escapes death’?
By Lamin Saidy | |
Rumors about the fatal car accident that happened on the
Subhan’Allah: University student, Yama Barrow becomes hijabi after ‘holy dream’
By Saja | |
University of The Gambia (UTG) student, Yama Barrow has embraced