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July 2016
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SALARY REVEALED: Footballer Alieu Darboe earns D1m per month
By Lamin Saidy | |
Alieu Darboe is one of the highest paid foreign-based Gambian
Are you a mother in the USA? Lock up your daughters, Nova is in town!
By Saja | |
He is perhaps not as well known for his music
An open-minded Gambia beckons us
By Gainde | |
At a time when our country is terribly divided along
See Hakim’s bedroom selfie with married woman
By F Mbaye | |
Hakim is one of the country’s finest producers but he
Satayba! Five things that made Brikama a superb town
By Eddy Jatta | |
Still wondering which town is the most superb in The
Gee: Can the King of Rap Mbalax reclaim his crown?
By Lamin Saidy | |
The former king of Gambian rap mbalax, Gee is returning
Shoulders above men: 10 young women changing lives in The Gambia
By Gainde | |
The Gambia is witnessing quite a revolution in gender equality
Sillaba woo Sillaba: Is he mentally stable?
By Saja | |
It seems Sillaba Samateh is on the brink of a
He’s younger, she’s older: Footballer Alieu Darboe now dating Lena Starr
By Lamin Saidy | |
Alieu Darboe’s footballing career may take a further dip in
What’s wrong with Mamma Kandeh’s GDC?
By Saja | |
The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) has since its inception been
Waka J launches Hotel and Entertainment Group Gambia
By F Mbaye | |
Did you hear about the launching of Hotel and Entertainment
Police yet to arrest Chinese man who crashed car into Haddy Faye’s store
By Saja | |
What’s On-Gambia is continuing to ask questions about the police’s
Gambians in Birmingham raising funds for new masjid
By Gainde | |
Praying five times a day is a must for devout
It’s all over between Yassin Faal and her Swiss-based husband
By F Mbaye | |
Former Miss Gambia-USA, Yassin Faal has reportedly split from her
Gina Bass: First Gambian female athlete to qualify for Olympics
By Eddy Jatta | |
Gina Bass has become the first Gambian female athlete to