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September 2019
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OPINION: Is being a woman now a disability in Gambia?
By Gainde | |
A question triggered by behaviours and reactions manifested online by
The Janneh Commission report is full of hypocrisy
By Saja | |
After the brouhaha that erupted from the publications of the
Aji Amy blocks What’s On-Gambia on Instagram
By Eddy Jatta | |
The UK-based Gambian drianke, who allegedly spent more than D2m
Who has the hotter wife? Steve Trawally or Modou Barrow
By Gainde | |
Modou Borrow's Saffie Mbye and Steve Trawally's Ya Haddy Jeng
Should UN boss apologise for falling asleep during Barrow’s speech?
By Saja | |
While President Adama Barrow was delivering his State of the
Niuminka man spends more than D2m for girlfriend to get perfect body
By Gainde | |
A UK-based Niuminka man (name withheld) has allegedly paid more
3 reasons Gambian men prefer marrying diaspora women
By Eddy Jatta | |
Here are three reasons Gambian men prefer diaspora women as
Lawratou to represent Gambia at Miss Tourism World
By Gainde | |
23-year-old Lawaratou Camara is travelling to China today to represent
Should UDP apologize to Gambians for giving us Barrow?
By Lamin Saidy | |
“UDP should apologize for giving us Barrow.” This is a
Meet Gambia’s most arrogant senior civil servants
By Saja | |
When they arrived in their new jobs, many Gambians thought
Jacob speaks fluent Mandinka with Sukutarian accent
By Lamin Saidy | |
It is very rare to hear a young British man
O Boy & Gambian Child drops two brand new music videos
By Eddy Jatta | |
The West Coast Region duo, O Boy and Gambian Child
CDS Masaneh KInteh takes a second wife!
By Gainde | |
Two years after he took over as the Chief of
Their brother is a minister: Meet the Tambadou diplomats
By Lamin Saidy | |
Haddyjatou and Mariama Tambadou are among the many Gambians who
OPINION: My take on Operation 3-Years Jotna
By Gainde | |
We should not condemn those calling for President Barrow to