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November 2019
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Gambian film industry: New movie to be premiered on Saturday!
By Lamin Saidy | |
One of The Gambia's newest movies, Can't Have It All,
After 5 months of public absence, Sarjoe reappears in Jimara
By Gainde | |
Sarjoe Mballow-Barrow has emerged last week after five months out
Come on, Taf! Dalaba Estate houses are outrageously expensive
By Eddy Jatta | |
How many Gambian families can afford a 2-bedroom "slope house"
Jizzle is now a multimillionaire after stadium concert
By Lamin Saidy | |
Bakau-born singer, Jizzle has become one of the richest Gambian
Why are dialysis patients dying at the EFSTH?
By Saja | |
There are new and troubling questions about the care dialysis
Banjul girl: I’ll never forgive my brother
By Gainde | |
The 24-year-old Banjul girl who was attacked with boiling water
Modou Barrow, Steve and Hamza back for their country!
By Eddy Jatta | |
Three of The Gambia's most prominent international footballers have returned
Gov’t officials on Meet the People Tour will receive D2000 per night
By Lamin Saidy | |
Government officials who are with President Adama Barrow on his
OPINION: Gambians should not vote for Darboe and Barrow in 2021
By Gainde | |
I will not tell you who to vote for when
Parents plan to sue Marina International over death of their daughter
By Saja | |
The parents of a 10-year-old Marina International pupil, who died
Meet the most popular Gambian hijabi on Instagram
By Gainde | |
She's not a musician, actress, model or TV star but
New arrivals at Original Sports Shop in Brusubi
By Lamin Saidy | |
If you looking for the latest men and women's fashion,
The Gambia’s public smoking ban finally begins
By Eddy Jatta | |
The government of President Adama Barrow has vowed to enforce
Bigg Faa says he has no regret about meeting Barrow
By Saja | |
Bigg Faa has said he has no regrets about meeting
Gambian becomes one of the youngest African-born lieutenants in US Army
By Saja | |
A former head boy of St Therese's Upper Basic School