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December 18, 2019
Home » 18/12/2019 -
After 54 years of Independence, Gambia is still among the least developed countries in the world
By Gainde | |
After more than 54 years of independence from Great Britain,
Barrow to construct 20 new roads in KM and WCR
By Gainde | |
The government of President Adama Barrow plans to construct 20
Stadium manager says Jizzle yet to fulfil toilet renovation promise
By Lamin Saidy | |
The country's newest music millionaire, Jizzle is yet to fulfil
PHOTO: Meet Gambia’s sexiest twin sisters on Instagram
By Gainde | |
On Instagram, they are known as the Melanin Twins. These
8 things you didn’t know about Operation 3 Years Jotna
By Gainde | |
Here are eight things that you probably didn't know about
More doctors leaving public hospitals to work in private clinics
By Saja | |
Low salaries and poor working conditions are forcing more doctors