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July 28, 2021
Home » 28/07/2021 -
Ebou Jallow: Jammeh is a narcissist, he should stop this childish nonsense game
By Gainde | |
Former spokesperson of the AFPRC Junta, Captain (Retired) Ebou Jallow,
QCell allegedly imposes COVI-19 vaccine mandate for employees
By Gainde | |
Qcell has allegedly imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all
Mother threatens to take boy to “jalangs” for impregnating daughter
By Eddy Jatta | |
A Manjago mother in Basse has threatened to take her
Government sells donated rice meant for Gambians living in poverty
By Lamin Saidy | |
More than 3000 metric tonnes of high-quality rice donated by
Has Hamat Bah checked out of politics?
By Saja | |
Tourism Minister Hamat Bah, who was one of President Adama
Adamo gets mobbed by Gambian fans in Milan
By Gainde | |
Senegalese social media influencer, Adamo was recently in Milan, Italy