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January 2022
Home » January 2022 -
ST drops new music video ahead of album release
By Lamin Saidy | |
Multi-award-winning rapper ST has released a brand new video for
The Curvy Chick cries after 8,000 followers disappeared from her TikTok account
By Gainde | |
A Sweden-based Gambian TikToker poured her heart out in a
Alhamdulilah! President Barrow vows to fight corruption
By Saja | |
Following his inauguration on January 19 at the Independence Stadium,
Musa Barrow gets high praise after impressive win vs Guinea
By Lamin Saidy | |
The Gambia has progressed to the quarter-finals of the Africa
Sweden-based woman: “My backway husband left me after giving him paper”
By Eddy Jatta | |
A Sweden-based Gambian woman has accused her backway husband of
MoH driver was allegedly speeding in crash that killed Musa and Pa Modou
By Lamin Saidy | |
The Ministry of Health (MoH) driver in the deadly crash
Darboe to skip Barrow’s swearing-in
By Eddy Jatta | |
The leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) Ousainou ANM
How Ebrima Colley went from poverty to top footballer with millions in the bank
By Saja | |
Unarguably one of the best Gambian footballers, Ebrima Colley was
Amie Bah claims she helped ex-boyfriend to “hammer the head” of his Austrian wife
By Gainde | |
One Amie Bah, who allegedly stole over D3 million from
Bakau girl leaves semester husband after discovering he was deported
By Lamin Saidy | |
A young woman in Bakau (name withheld) has allegedly left
Barrow wants to delay ministerial appointments until after his inauguration
By Eddy Jatta | |
President Adama Barrow wants to delay the appointment of ministers
Sultan : Stop comparing Youssou Ndure with that small boy!
By Gainde | |
Journalist Modou Lamin Jammeh, famously known as Sultan, took to
Who will be Gambia’s first AFCON goal scorer?
By Saja | |
The Scorpions have pledged to do everything they can to
It’s over! Amina Pote returns bride price and wedding gifts to Gambian husband
By Lamin Saidy | |
Senegalese TV star Amina Pote has ended her marriage to
Back way semester claims he sent over D3m to Facebook girlfriend he never met
By Saja | |
An Austria-based back way semester said he's broke and has