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Home » 29/06/2022 -
MashAllah! DJ Mo is in Makkah for the Hajj pilgrimage
By Gainde | |
According to information reaching What's On-Gambia, DJ Mo is in
It’s over! Shocking reasons behind the divorce of the BlaXit couple
By Eddy Jatta | |
The famous BlaXit couple, Juliet and Adrian Ryan have separated.
Why Aisha Fatty is blocked from traveling outside The Gambia
By Lamin Saidy | |
The police have blocked famous socialite Aisha Fatty from traveling
TikToker Aisha Rafet’s tongue is popular among Gambian men
By Gainde | |
Aisha Rafet is one of the famous driankes on TikTok
Essa Faal condemns Barrow’s silence over death of migrants at Spanish border
By Eddy Jatta | |
Former presidential candidate Essa M Faal has on Tuesday condemned
Wife offers to return D6,000 dowry to end marriage
By Lamin Saidy | |
  One Jai Jaiteh has offered to return her estranged
OPINION: Senegal, Togo and Ivory Coast said NO to term limits
By Gainde | |
Following the recent attempt made by the AU to put