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December 14, 2022
Home » 14/12/2022 -
Barhama is appointed as SOS Children’s Villages’ brand ambassador
By Eddy Jatta | |
Musician Barhama was last week named national brand ambassador of
Hussain Dada apologises to wife and fans over Attack social media beef
By Lamin Saidy | |
Hussain Dada has apologized to his wife and fans after
In Sukuta, son stabs drunk dad in the buttocks for having sex with his girlfriend
By Eddy Jatta | |
A son allegedly stabbed his father in the buttocks with
You probably didn’t know this about Ba Tambadou’s new wife
By Lamin Saidy | |
Binta Ceesay is former Justice Minister Ba Tambadou's new wife.
National player accused of hiding child he fathered with Instagram girl
By Gainde | |
One of the country's most popular national players (name withheld)