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Cat poops on Banjul International Airport floor
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Cat poops on Banjul International Airport floor

Monday morning at Banjul International Airport turned unpleasant for those waiting to welcome arriving passengers on Turkish Airlines. A cat defecated on the floor near the arrival doors, and no cleaners were present to clean or cover the excrement. 

A young woman, who wished to remain anonymous, told What's On-Gambia: "The cat pooped right near the arrival door. We searched everywhere, but there were no cleaners available."

She added, "I can't understand how neither the cleaners nor the GCCA security guards noticed the mess."

Sources indicated that stray cats are common at the airport and often wander the area when it is less busy.

Cat feces can carry Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can be harmful to pregnant women and their unborn babies, as well as pose serious risks to individuals with compromised immune systems.

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