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Don’t have sex with them! Five things girls need to know about dating semesters
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Don’t have sex with them! Five things girls need to know about dating semesters

The semsters (Gambian men living abroad) have starting arriving in the country to enjoy their holidays. They come like tsunami, sleeping with different emotionally vulnerable girls.

Most semesters are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Below are five things girls need to know about dating them:

·        “I work for Prince Harry. I am sponsoring 100 children in Basse.”

They exaggerate their earning power and the ‘awesome’ things they have done to impress you. Semesters are very good at proudly portraying themselves. Understand this, most of them work in low-wage sectors like cleaning and domestic care.

·        “Boy, bilie that girl at Guaranty Trust Bank is always ready, just buy her fried chicken with chips.”

They use you until the girl they deem fit to marry comes along. Semesters are notorious for discussing their sexual adventures. They inform each other about the girls that are easy to ‘bang’.

·        “Chaapaans, I did it! Come I show you some of the photos. I told you, I’m badder than them.”

Don’t allow them to take naked pictures or naughty videosof you. Most of them show it to their friends to convince them that they slept with you. And something like that could easily be used to blackmail you.

·        “Invitation is not a problem for me. I will invite you next summer, bul worry!”

If they promise to send you an invitation, tell them to show you their EU or American passport. Some of them can’t even invite a tiny chicken to Barcelona. “Anytime you want

·        “My mum is strict, I can’t take you there. Be benen yoon rek.”

Has he introduced you to his family? If NO, then don’t take his promise of marrying you seriously.  Semesters mainly visit The Gambia, because they want to have romantic evenings, have enough sex and take their flights back.

OUR ADVICE: If you are planning to have sex with a semester, who is about to arrive in the country STOP!  Don’t allow him to use you like a sex toy. Always desire to have a better life that you earn on your own. Times are tough for everyone, but that’s doesn't excuse a lack of morals and a desire to have a better life that you earn on your own.


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