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Female marabout: Charity of 99 cups of water and 77 chicks can prevent spread of COVID-19
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Female marabout: Charity of 99 cups of water and 77 chicks can prevent spread of COVID-19

Wellingara marabout and traditional healer, Sohna Kumba Cham has claimed she received a revelation that The Gambia will get rid of the coronavirus if every settlement in the country gives out a charity of 99 cups of water and 77 small chickens.

In an interview with What's On-Gambia, the mother-of-one, who was born and brought up in Serre Kunda, said: "I saw in a dream that if every settlement in the country gives out a charity of 99 cups of water and 77 small chickens, the coronavirus will soon disappear from our country."

She said the charity should be given to travellers who are about to depart the country.

"I am not saying this for fame; this is something that was revealed to me in a dream. In fact, giving out charity and praying for Allah's protection and safekeeping is something we should be doing every day," said Kumba.

When asked if the 99 cups of water and 77 small chickens charity can completely eradicate the coronavirus in the country, she responded: "You will see changes. The purpose of the charity is to protect Gambians from the deadly virus."

A former student of Latri Kunda Upper Basic School (LK), Kumba is one of the prominent female marabouts in the country. She lives in Welligara with her husband.

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