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Here are some of the lowest-paying jobs in Gambia
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Here are some of the lowest-paying jobs in Gambia

In this article, we take a look at some of the lowest-paying jobs in The Gambia. These jobs usually require very little training. 

Security guard/watchman 

The job of a security guard is among the lowest paying jobs currently. Most of them earn between D1500- D2500 every month. 

Radio DJ/presenter 

Radio deejaying or presenting may look lucrative to many, but in the real sense, DJs and presenters are among the low salary earners. Some of them earn less than D1500 every month. 

Restaurant worker 

This include waitresses, cleaners and cooks. The average take-home pay per month for workers in this category is between D1000- D2000. 

Supermarket attendant 

Most of their bosses are non-Gambians. They work under poor conditions with long working hours and low pay. A cashier earns less than D2500. 

School caretaker 

They play a very vital role in schools but they are usually overlooked when it comes to salary. Despite all their hard work, they earn between D900- D1500 every month. 

Office cleaner 

They are among the poorest workers. The pay is even much worse for cleaners in the Civil Service. Some of them earn less than D1500.

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