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Indian boss at Africmed accused of mistreating Gambian staff
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Indian boss at Africmed accused of mistreating Gambian staff

The finance manager at Africmed, Sanju Kumar is accused of mistreating Gambian employees including her own staff in the finance department.

Some of the workers held a protest outside the clinic in Brusubi on Monday to bring attention to the mistreatment and disrespect they're suffering at the hands of Sanju.

One of the junior nurses at the protest told What's On-Gambia: "Sanju is mean, rude and arrogant. She treats us as if we are animals."

He added: "Sometimes, she would withhold our overtime wages for no reason. Most of us were scared to protest or report her to the owners of the clinic."

According to the nurse, Sanju joined Africmed in 2016 before the Indians became the main shareholders.

"I can remember there was a time when our lab technician’s house was consumed by fire and management decided to grant him a loan. But when he went to Sanju, she refused to release the funds," said the nurse.

The management at Africmed promised to investigate the mistreatment allegations against their finance manager.

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