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Interview with America’s Next Top Model contestant
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Interview with America’s Next Top Model contestant

Binta Dibba is a Gambian-American making waves on millions of American television screens with her participation in America's Next Top Model.

In this edition of What’s On-Gambia, US-based journalist, Sainey Darboe ,began by sussing out the lady who might be America's Next  Top Model.

Binta Dibba: I'm an entrepreneur who specializes in anything that grabs her interest. I grew up on both sides of the world, Gambia and Washington State. I have been modeling for close to 4 years now. I am currently an only child with big dreams of becoming the Binta Dibba I always knew I am.

Could you please share with us how you made it to ANTM . What did it take to get there?

Binta:I auditioned in 2013, didn't get in. Then auditioned in 2016 right before heading to Gambia in April and got a call back when I got back. It basically took a lot of emailing and basically like ...Hey am here!!!!! #BintaDibba #BintaDibba #Sheishere

What's your ultimate aim for being on the show?

My ultimate aim for the show is to get on the next step of my modeling journey. I want to be on another platform that allows me to gain the thing I want to gain in my life time.

Being from a Muslim family, modelling is something that's usually frowned upon. Do you have support from your family?

My family is my biggest support system to be honest. They want to see me grow and succeed in whatever I put my mind into. They are all against seeing anything nude of me but proud that I found something I love and putting effort in.

What challenges have you faced on the journey?

I would say dealing with People who do not personally know you and are there to judge you when all you want is for them to like you.

How do you feel about making nude shots on TV and what's your family’s reaction?

In terms of media, I wasn't worried for myself, more for the people I love and care for. It's Top Model that is expected!! I feel like the shoot was more for women empowerment, nothing trashy. Religion believes behind it are starting to border me and I think it is something I will definitely tone down in the future. 


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