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Interview with UTG graduate:”I want to become an accomplished diplomat!”
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Interview with UTG graduate:”I want to become an accomplished diplomat!”

Last Friday at the graduation ceremony of The University of The Gambia (UTG), 24-year-old Aishat Ibrahim was handed a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. It was one of the happiest moments in her life.

In this interview with What's On-Gambia, she speaks on her UTG experience, sacrifices she made and her future plans:

What’s On: Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

Aishat:My name is Aishat Ibrahim, I was born to Gambian parents in Germany and I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria. My parents are Alh. Ibrahim Sillah and Afisatou Ceesay.

Congratulations on your achievement. How does it feel, graduating with a bachelor’s degree?

It’s indeed a great feeling to be awarded a degree because it’s a symbol and manifestation of great accomplishment and achievement. It signifies that all of my effort was not in vain.

Tell us now; what sacrifices you made to successfully complete your studies?

University education encompasses great sacrifice and commitment; it’s a phase in life where the transition from teenage to adulthood happens, where you drop all carefree attitudes and take up responsibility. I made countless sacrifices all through my four years university span, because I know it was worthwhile.

What made you decide to get an education in political science?

Since my secondary school days, government was my favorite subject, and becoming a diplomat is on my wish list.

Was UTG your first choice or did you just find yourself there by chance?

I must say that it was by chance, because I had already sat for the entrance examinations in order to gain admission into the University of Lagos (UNILAG).  But it coincided with the fact that my dad wanted us to relocate back to our home country, The Gambia, and he was able to convince me that UTG was equally good. And looking back now, I must say that I made the right choice and dad was right?

So you did your secondary education in Nigeria?

Yes. I came back to d Gambia in February, 2007.

Some people are of the opinion that UTG lacks the resources to provide quality higher education. What is your take on that?

Rome was definitely not built in a day. UTG is still at its infancy and yet it can boast of degree holders who can rub shoulders with their counterparts of other well-known universities. UTG breeds highly zealous and committed students who are willing to learn in the face of scarce and limited resources. The university has equally hardworking and committed lecturers who are eager to impart all they know. In other words lack of resources is not a deterrent for UTG.

Are you the only university graduate in your family?

I am the first born of my parents and therefore the first graduate of my family, but my siblings are aspiring graduates too.

What are your interests and hobbies?

I love singing, making friends and reading.

What kind of advice can you share with current UTG students?

My advice is simple; no pain no gain, because when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. They should never relent in their struggle.

What’s next for you?

I want to see myself, a PhD degree holder and a well accomplished diplomat in the next ten years. But for now, I am venturing into the job market.

Thank you so much and good luck!

My gratitude goes out to my lovely and supportive parents, and also to my loving and caring husband, Muctarr Jabbie. I also want to thank everyone that has contributed to my success. 


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