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Killa Ace and Big Rozay to start their own political party to become National Assembly Members
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Killa Ace and Big Rozay to start their own political party to become National Assembly Members

They are two of the country’s most controversial rappers. Killa Ace and Big Rozay want to become National Assembly Members (NAMs) in the 2016 elections.

The pair told What’s On-Gambia that they will register their new party in the coming days. More than 1000 of their fans are expected to escort them to the Independent Electoral Commission Headquarters.

“We are not like the Cyber Warriors, who think punching the keyboard from their comfortable Atlanta or London apartments can bring change in The Gambia. We are contesting next year,” said Killa Ace.

For his part Rozay said: “We want to help the youths. We are also going to slaughter all the fake and pathological attention seekers online.”

Their manifesto will be based on youth support and promoting hardcore rap music in the country.

Killa and Rozay also want to make it mandatory for all the children of senior government officials to attend state-run schools.

“Politicians are public servants, but how many actually send their children to public schools? Why do they opt for schools like Marina International when it comes to educating their own children?” argued Killa Ace, who spent his teenage days in the USA.

They are the first musicians to try and run for public office. According to Rozay, their political party will be called Gambia Ci Kanaam

Bankie Grey-Johnson is their campaign manager. He said: “I respect my niggas! I can promise that I will do everything that is within my powers to make sure they become the youngest NAMs in the history of the country.”

Gambia Ci Kanaam will be launched on the 18th February, 2015 at the Serre Kunda East Mini Stadium. The mayor of KMC is the special guest of honour.


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