A petition has been launched to have African-American YouTuber Art Cathey deported back to the USA amid allegations that she has no respect for The Gambia and Gambians.
"Her YouTube channels are dotted with demeaning and derogatory comments about Gambians. In one, she said The Gambia is ‘stuck between 1987 and 1897’ while making a mockery of a shopkeeper for logging sales in a receipt book ’’, the petition reads.
At press time, more than 100 people have signed the petition, which has a goal of 200 signatures.
A Gambian in the UK commented: "I am signing this petition because I believe she needs to leave our country since she has no respect for its people and cultures. She can return to her beloved country since its better than The Gambia."
Another wrote: "I am signing this petition because she is disrespecting us, Gambians. She needs to leave."
What's On-Gambia was unable to establish how many signatures are needed to get a response from the government.