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UDP brags about crowd size but will it turn into votes
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UDP brags about crowd size but will it turn into votes

With the election just weeks away, the leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP), ANM Ousianou Darboe was at the Election House on Monday to submit his nomination papers to the chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

Thousands of his supporters, most of them young people and women from different parts of the country, thronged the Bertil Harding Highway to exhibit their love and support for the 73-year-old politician.

One of the UDP's most prominent young leaders in the Diaspora, US-based Pata J. Saidykhan wrote on Facebook: "They'll tell you 'crowd isn't important', 'we've seen this before' but leave them with their mirrors and pillows."

He added that his party will offer Gambians a better Gambia by giving them better leadership in Darboe and his team.

Political analyst Saity Matty Jaw told What's On-Gambia: "I think crowd size does matter in our politics, but I do not think it's conclusive. It builds confidence and even perhaps intimidates opponents but whether it translates to votes, I think we will have to wait for the polls to see. It definitely does show might."

What asked whether the UDP leader and presidential candidate, ANM Ousiabou Darboe should buy into the hype, the University of The Gambia lecturer responded: "Of course! But the contest is not who has the largest number of people at rallies. It's who is voting and no one should just stop at crowds but to continue to mobilize and ensure they turn out to vote."

In an interview with journalists on Monday outside the Election House, the UDP campaign manager, Talib Bensouda said they have no doubt that their leader will win the election in December.

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