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22-year-old toubab girl wants to provide jobs for unemployed Gambians in UK
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22-year-old toubab girl wants to provide jobs for unemployed Gambians in UK

A 22-year-old British girl, Sacha Graham-Molly, wants to provide jobs to dozens of Gambian migrants in the United Kingdom.

“I want to help Gambians in England to help themselves and their families in The Gambia,” she told What’s On-Gambia.

Sacha first visited The Gambia in 2011 with her mum and fell in love with the country that is fondly known as the Smiling Coast of Africa.

The 22-year-old, who graduated last year with a bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management, recently started her own online business and wants to expand it by building a team through introducing people to the same opportunity.

“I work within a company that believes in all its distributors. They give us the opportunity to create our own online business for free. I have lots of support but also the freedom to build my own brand selling a range of high quality products from toothpaste to creams, cosmetics and health products,” she said.

Sacha continued: “I’m looking for Gambians living in the UK or Europe to join my team. If they are interested in being a part of my team all they need to do is sign up with me to become an individual distributor, once they have done that I can mentor them by guiding them through the process of setting up their own business. When they are set up they can do what I do, selling products and building their own teams.”

But why Gambians?

According to her, Gambian families need the financial support of their relatives in Europe to make life a little bit easier for them.

“From spending time in The Gambia, I have seen firsthand how difficult it can be to survive from finding money to buy food for the family and paying school fees.”

Are you a Gambian in the UK and wants to join Sacha’s team? E-mail her at [email protected].


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