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British tourist: For the last 15 years The Gambia has been my second home
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British tourist: For the last 15 years The Gambia has been my second home

Allie Kay is one of the many Brits that are in love with The Gambia. She started visiting the country 15 years ago with her family.

This year, she brought some of her friends to experience the country for the first time. Among them was musician Chris Payn who performed at different locations within the Senegambia strip.

Allie, who arrived back in the UK on Monday after a one-week holiday, writes on Facebook:  “It’s been a crazy week full of joy and happy tears. For the last 15 years Gambia has been my second home. Watching both children and adults grow and make something of their lives. In different ways we all show each other we can do anything in our lives as long as we believe and stay true to ourselves. I can’t wait to share our footage with you. Unseen journeys into another world, well the same world but one where people really know how to survive.”

Her son, Zaq Dixon is already becoming popular in the Gambian rap scene after performing at the Cypher Street Rap Battle last year. He was also one of the guest artists at this year Back to Africa festival. 

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