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Chapter closed! Cocaine case dropped against Lebanese businessmen
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Chapter closed! Cocaine case dropped against Lebanese businessmen

The Attorney General’s Chambers has taken the decision not to prosecute the two Lebanese businessmen who allegedly smuggled 48 blocks of cocaine into the country last year. 

"The AG Chambers concluded that there is no case against the Lebanese," said a judicial source.  

Mahdi Tajudinn and Ossama Mahmoud were arrested after the cocaine blocks were discovered in a sugar container imported from Brazil.  

According to our source, the AG Chambers pulled the plug on the case due to "insufficient evidence", despite opposition from state lawyers who were reviewing the files from the Drug Law Enforcement Agency the Gambia (DLEAG).  

"One of the lawyers contacted the International Financial Crime Unit to find out more about the Lebanese duo and their activities. What he discovered was shocking, " said our source.  

He continued: "The lawyer made a recommendation to the DLEAG to widen their investigations, but they refused." 

When contacted, the DLEAG declined to comment saying: "We have sent all the files to AG Chambers for prosecution." 

But our source alleged:" They are lying. It was a conspiracy between them and AG Chambers. The case is a dead thing now." 

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