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Poco Loco girl, Yamundow Tamba insists she is dating model Ibrahim Ceesay
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Poco Loco girl, Yamundow Tamba insists she is dating model Ibrahim Ceesay

Model Ibrahim Ceesay (Iba) claimed last week that he is not in a love triangle, and has no romantic ties with Yamundow Tamba.

The famous Poco Loco girl has responded, saying they are dating.

“I started dating Iba since on the 2nd June, 2013. Everyone knows we are dating. We always spend my birthdays together. He met my sister and her children when they came from America,” Yamundow told What’s On-Gambia.

According to her, although they have a turbulent and stormy relationship they are still in love.

Iba, during a chat with one of our reporters, insisted he has no romantic relationship with Yamundow.

“I know who she is and I always see her around. I only have one girlfriend and that is Haddy Danso,” he said.


Danny and Adam

Meanwhile, Adam Taal, who is friends with Yamundow, also insisted that she’s dated Danny Constant contrary to Iba’s claims..

Lee daf ma jahal deh…..and for him denying my relationship with his best friend Lmfao! He might have a good reason to do so. I broke up with him then Mariam Jagne jumped in. I think the picture explained it,” said Yamundow. 



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