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Simang Kola! Using tobacco to tighten vagina becomes a rising trend among Gambian women
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Simang Kola! Using tobacco to tighten vagina becomes a rising trend among Gambian women

Married women in the Greater Banjul Area are becoming famous for doing weird things to their genitals to satisfy their husbands in the bedroom.

Now a new trend seems to be spreading among them as many of them have been reportedly stuffing tobacco in their vagina to tighten it for heightened sexual ecstasy.

According to a source: “I think they mix the tobacco with some other stuff. Mandinka women are very much into it.”

He added: “They call it Simang Kola (after dinner) and available at the Serrekunda market. I am made to understand that it is a highly addictive product. Some are saying it makes the vagina very tight, which many men prefer.”

Can Simang Kola really tighten the vagina?

A Gambian doctor told What’s On-Gambia: “It can cause the hardening of the vaginal lining.”

However, he said the frequent use of Simang Kola can cause cancer like how smoking causes lung cancer by damaging the cells that line the lungs. 


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