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Study: Women with big butts produce smarter children
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Study: Women with big butts produce smarter children

Research done by some of the world's leading universities in both the United States of America and Europe including the prestigious Oxford University revealed that women with big butts give birth to smarter children.

The academics claimed that fat supplies found in women's buttocks and thighs help their babies' brains develop during breastfeeding.

One professor Will Lassek of Pittsburg University said the fat in the buttocks and thighs are enriched in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is a particularly important component in the human brain.

He added: “It has always been a complete mystery why women have so much fat. Mammals' and primates' bodies typically have about five to 10 percent of fat but in human women that rises to 30 percent on average. This is similar to the levels seen in bears going into hibernation or whales living in cold Arctic seas. Women have traded muscle for fat so they are about a third as strong.“

Professor Lassek revealed that About 80 percent of the DHA needed by a baby's brain comes from a mother's stored fat. Less than one percent of body fat is DHA so a lot of fat has to be shifted. That's why lactating women may lose a pound of fat a month.

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