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Why do young Gambian medical doctors marry each other?
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Why do young Gambian medical doctors marry each other?

Did you notice that majority of young Gambian medical doctors are married to each other?

The most recent doctors to tie the knot were Dr Baboucarr Daffeh and Dr Awa Sanyang.

What’s On-Gambiawas unable to establish how the couple met, but both of them are prominent members of the Association of Resident Doctors in The Gambia (GARD). Babucarr is the association’s secretary general. He studied medicine in Venezuela and now works at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital.

The first Gambian doctor to conduct a brain tumour surgery in the country, Dr John Jabang is also having a doctor wife. They exchanged vows in a colourful wedding attended by their families and friends.

More about doctor-doctor marriages soon!


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