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Wicked ‘wujah’: Former co-wives come to blow as nude photos leak
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Wicked ‘wujah’: Former co-wives come to blow as nude photos leak

Amie Jammeh is embroiled in some serious online beef with her former co-wife, Awa Ann. And ex-husband, Seedy is enjoying the drama.

Read below our chat with Amie:

What’s On-Gambia: Tell us what happened and why is Awa Ann posting your naked photos online?

Amie: I was having a good relationship with my ex-boyfriend in Belgium. He is a nice man and he did everything for me, and even paid for my schooling. But things didn’t work out between us. So I decided to get married to Seedy. We got married on the 18th July 2013 and divorced on the 28th December 2013.

I regret my marriage with Seedy. I never cheated on him.

I was working at Alfamedia Production as Marketing Officer. My ex-husband never gave me fish money. You can ask him. He divorced me and I don’t know why he and Awa are fighting me.

Is it true that you met Seedy online?

We met on Facebook and since we got married we never met in person. So Seedy don’t know me as woman (meaning they never had sex).

Awa is not telling the truth about me and her husband. I also have her naked photos with Seedy, but I will never leak them because I respect my mum and family. I have class, not foolish as she is.

Do you know Awa very well?

I know Awa because she was my wujah.

Are you single now?

Yes, since last year!

What is your message to Awa?

Let her stop telling lies and being childish. Like I said I am also having her naked photos. She did the same to Seedy’s ex-girlfriend in The Gambia, spreading her naked photos.

I have reported the matter to the police with my lawyer and anytime they steep their feet in The Gambia I am taking them to court. I am from a good family, my dad was sick when he heard the news.

Is Seedy also involved in leaking the photos?

Yes! You know what? He is now asking me for forgiveness. I have deleted him from my life since this shit happened.

He once told me that he will spoil my image by putting my pics on Facebook so that nobody will marry me again. Is he GOD?

Stay strong, Amie!

Thanks WOG, you people are good people. I also want to thank my family and friends for supporting me, making me feel happy.

Do I not have the right to send photos to my husband?

Yes, you have the right. You were married.

You see! These people are heartless and wicked.

Note: Amie’s naked photos were sent to What’s On-Gambia by former co-wife, Awa Ann. We advised her to stop circulating the photos and leave the girl alone. She later created a fake Facebook profile to post them there.


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