To find Gambians, who will support your new project is a constant struggle one must face. What can we do about it?
Actress Vivi Amie Chris recently took to Facebook to vent her anger, after realizing that someone mysteriously deleted theSaratatrailer on YouTube.
She wrote: “It's funny how SARATA trailer has been taken out from Utube hitting nearly 9,000 views.. Whoever u r .. U can't stop us.”
Vivi is one of the actresses that starred in the movie, which was premiered on the 2nd May, 2014 at the Pencha Mi Hall, Paradise Suites Hotel.
Sarata can be called the most successful movie to emerge out of The Gambia in recent times. There is still no explanation how the trailer disappeared on YouTube.
“It is just a vicious world where people don’t want to see success of others. They will rot in hell,” one Amie Ceesay-Jaiteh commented.
But according to the producer of the movie, Ibraheem Ceesay the trailer has now been re-uploaded on YouTube. So far, it has only scored less than 100 views.