Salma Slims is a Gambian-born rapper based in the United States of America. She is currently on vacation in Kololi, where we interviewed her on her family and career. Read below:
What’s On-Gambia: Tell us briefly about yourself and your family?
Slim:I am a recording artist and song writer. I am also a college student set to graduate with a business degree in October.
My father once owned a successful business. So, my plan is to follow in his footsteps.
Who is your father?
Lang Conteh
How often do you visit The Gambia?
I visit The Gambia once a year.
Do you feel more American than Gambian?
Although I am American and I was raised in the States, my family has kept me grounded and I have always embraced my Gambian roots.
When did you begin pursuing music?
I was doing a lot of modeling in the States for kid magazines and always on set of music videos for different artist in the music industry. As I was growing up, I began to find myself assisting artist with writing songs and eventually I developed a passion for rapping and performing on stage.
Is your family supportive of what you are doing?
My family is very supportive. They support me at various events and shows whenever they can. They push me to follow my dreams and always stay humble.
Did Nicki Minaj or Iggy Azalea influence your style of rap?
Neither Nicki Minaj nor Iggy influenced me to rap! I was a big fan of So So Deff Recording artist, Da Brat and she influenced me to rap while growing up. It is a blessing to say that we are good friends now.
What is the hardest part in navigating ones way to top in the American music industry?
I work in a male dominated industry where there can only be one female out at a time and the number one thing that I have to always remember is to maintain character because it is very easy to get caught up in the music industry and what people say you must do to be accepted.
Tell us about some of your releases?
I released my first mixtape last year September titled "Who is Salma Slims" and I released an EP on iTunes called "Who Is Salma Slims". Currently, I am working on my new mixtape "Diary Of Salma Slims" which is set to release July 2015.
What is your honest opinion about The Gambia’s rap scene?
The Gambia rap scene, in my opinion, is currently being created by an amazing rapper, Gibou Bala Gaye. He is what Gambia needs in order to influence others to follow their dreams of being an artist. He is a good friend of mine and I plan on working with him on some future collaborations.
Are you an independent artist or signed by anyone?
I am an independent artist. However, I am in the process of negotiating a deal at the moment and choosing the right label to sign with
Single or taken?
I’d rather not let my fans know if I'm single or taken right now!
Any final words?
I love The Gambia and embrace the culture to the highest degree. I plan on making music for my generation and teaching youth that it is okay to follow your dreams no matter what part of the world you are in. We are all kings and queens and we should all support one another if we want success to take place.