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Abdul Savage: I am the most decorated Gambian-American in US military
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Abdul Savage: I am the most decorated Gambian-American in US military

Abdul Savage has claimed he is the most decorated Gambian-American in the entire United States military.

“I hope someday in the future, there will be a Gambian-American who will match or beat my honourable, outstanding and distinguished US military decorations/awards,” he wrote in a Facebook post on the Gambia Youth and Women’s Forum.

Abdul Savage, who’s well-known on social media for his controversial views on Gambian politics, continued: “I have first-hand experience and knowledge that you cannot buy from your local Walmart, or from your corner store. In other words, the shop down your street does not sell these US military medals and awards, and so you cannot go there and buy them.

“And trust me, there is no Gambian, or non-Gambian, inside and outside The Gambia, who will tell you that the US military gives you awards, medals or honour because they like your haircut, looks, sex or gender, or even because of your rank. You earn it, and I earned mine.”

The retired soldier urged his critics to respect, admire and honour him.

Abdul is one of the many US-based Gambians who served in the US military and awarded medals for their bravery. 


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