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Bintou Omar Ann – Gambian with courage
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Bintou Omar Ann – Gambian with courage

Gambian with courage: This is Bintou Omar Ann, originally from Brufut and a mother-of-three. She is the first and only female Gambian CNC (computer numerical control) operator in Sweden. 

Bintou worked for MRC Keneba before moving to Sweden in the 1990s. She attended folkuniversitet (People’s University), where she graduated with a BA (Hons.) in Tourism. The coastal girl worked in the Swedish hotel industry, before making a career change. In her 40s, she went back to the classroom studying CNC.

Today Bintou works for a big company subcontracted by Scania. So if you see a Scania truck, as a Gambia, you should smile, knowing that there is a part in that truck made by the tiny hands of a hardworking Gambian woman. Thumbs up!

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