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Celebration of Fula culture set for December 29
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Celebration of Fula culture set for December 29

On Saturday, December 29, the annual celebration of Fula culture by Fulbe Africa will be back for its 6th anniversary at  the Jaama Hall, Kairaba Beach Hotel.

The event, scheduled from 16:00 to 22:00, is set be another dynamic showcase of the diverse gifts of the Fula community in The Gambia.

Speaking to What’s On-Gambia, one of the organizers, Samba Jawo said: “The event will, as usual, take the form of cultural entertainment, display of traditional dresses, an exhibition of ancient cultural tools, drama skits, poetry, video documentaries of various cultural trades and cultural performances of traditional Fula musicians.”

He added: “This year’s event will also raise awareness on harmful cultural and traditional practices in our society, especially in the Fula community.

“Our chief guest speaker is Prof. Fary Silate Ka, chairperson of the Fulfulde Cross-Border Language Commission and a retired dean at University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar.”

About Fulbe Africa

It is a youth-led apolitical, non-profit making cultural association registered in the Gambia since 2014 under the Attorney General Chambers of the Ministry of Justice.

The association seeks to revive, uphold and maintain Fula cultural norms and values, foster unity and understanding amongst the Fula group and other ethnic groups, develop and promote the Fula language and raise awareness on harmful cultural and traditional practices.


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