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Charities in Gambia: Introducing Spot Project
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Charities in Gambia: Introducing Spot Project

SPOT PROJECT is a charity based in Gambia which is determined to transform the lives of the most vulnerable and underprivileged people in Africa. Long term projects include, and are not limited to: Water wells, orphanages, schools, masjids, education, skills, providing jobs and healthcare.

Water Wells:

One of the most basic human needs is having access to clean water. The team heard stories of many women travelling for hours on end to gain access to clean water to provide for their children at home. They simply had no choice; it was either travelling for many miles on foot or watching their young die from thirst or disease. Above are some of the wells SPOT PROJECT have built to help tackle the situation. Providing water wells in desolate areas is an act of Sadaqah Jariah (ongoing charity): continuous rewards which will continue to build even after we all leave this world. Generation after generation will benefit from this, with Allah’s will.

Food Packs:

Food is something we take for granted everyday - we have the ability to choose between a snack or a 3-course meal, but in Gambia – the poverty at times means that people go without meals days on end. This Ramadan we were able to deliver over 600 food packs to our needy brothers and sisters in various different locations in the Gambia. The food packs contained: rice, sugar, onions, potatoes, milk powder and dates. The items were enough to feed a family of 6 for one month. We were also able to deliver over 1000 iftar meals to local communities.


Education is another act of Sadaqah Jariah. By educating one child you are not only educating and empowering one person, but their families and the future generation to come. The children in these schools are truly inspirational, there are many aged between 5-14 years, who have memorised the Qur'an (are hafidh). Despite the fact that they have so little, these children still cherish and have a deep passion for Islam. These schools do not need vast funds to make a difference, small amounts can be used to provide tables and chairs, repair shelving, provide new resources and simple stationary such as pens, pencils and paper. We have also provided new beds, repaired any structural damage to the building itself, re-painted the walls, repaired water facilities and given valuable items such as books, bags, clothing and more.


One of the greatest achievements of the project will be the masjid, Masjid Sahabah. In Tujereng, Gambia where our orphanage is based, there is no local masjid available for the people which fulfills their requirements, yet they are keen to learn Qur'an and gain Islamic knowledge. This will be one of the greatest opportunities for dawah. The masjid will be open to the whole community providing Arabic classes, Qur'an classes and various opportunities to gain skills to improve one’s quality of life. The masjid is now close to completion and will be open to the local community very soon (God-willing).

Sleeping area:

This ramadan, SPOT PROJECT has been fundraising to build the sleeping area. The sleeping area will accommodate 40 orphan children at the start and the number will then increase when the Qur'an & Hadith School will be up and running. The bunkbeds have already been purchased and majority of the orphan children have been selected from poor and desolate areas. Some of the children require immediate housing so SPOT PROJECT would like to get the building finished as soon as possible. SPOT PROJECT is still collecting funds for the sleeping area.

Future Projects

Charity to us isn’t simply offering food and water, but our aim is to offer our young brothers and sisters an opportunity to sustain a healthy living and become independent. Future projects include programmes which enable members of the community to work and earn a livelihood.

We want to provide them with the means to become independent from aid and earn a livelihood by teaching skills such as:

- Cooking

- Sewing & Tailoring

- Carpentry

- Mechanical Work

- Electrical Skills

- IT & Technology Skills

- Brick Laying

- Hair Cutting Skills

- First Aid Skills

‘Teach the Teachers’. Enabling others is central to everything we do, by teaching these skills to other teachers within many different communities. We strongly believe that if the teachers then go back to their schools and teach others, the nation can begin to prosper. We plan to carry out these training sessions in SPOT Academy’s Learning Centre. We believe that if we target the grassroots and lay solid foundations we can help to develop the entire country.

We need your donation so we can finish the sleeping area InShaAllah!  For donating please go to

Contact: [email protected]

Facebook & Instagram: @spotproject

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