Lamin Sultan Jammeh, a senior reporter with Daily Observer, has married his US-based girlfriend on Sunday in Bundung.
The couple has been dating for a while.
Shortly after tying the knot, Sultan took to Facebook to heap praise on his new wife.
He wrote: “Alhamdulilah! Behind every great man is a women. I'm deeply honoured and so grateful to Allah for blessing me with a wife with light and substance. She's my heart's desire and indeed the love of my life.”
The young journalist added: “I will use this opportunity to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to the family of my wife for entrusting me with this world class medal. I love you so much Babe!! Big thanks to all those that have wished us happy marriage life, myself and Mrs Sultan are all appreciative of your well wishes and great words of wisdom. Alabaraka bakeh bakeh!”
What’s On-Gambiawould like to wish Sultan a happy and blessed married life!