The Gambia's most infamous brother for sex workers is located in Tallinding, a stone's throw from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat's main mosque.
A source, who begged for anonymity, disclosed to What's On-Gambia:" When they were constructing the brothel, we alerted Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jaamat, but nothing was done about it.
"The owner is a foreigner. He bought the compound years ago and later decided to turn it into a brothel for sex workers. Prostitutes are always seen loitering around while looking for clients."
Our source continued: "We recently reported the matter to the police, but nothing was done to close the brothel. I cannot understand how we can allow a brothel right next to a mosque. It is outright disrespectful.
"Sometimes, it's difficult to sleep at night because of the noise, with prostitutes arguing and fighting in the streets. Some alleged the owner of the brothel has people in the government who are protecting him and his business.
"The prostitutes used to stand by the Buffer Zone. The police kicked them out of that area and now they moved to the Ahmadiyya mosque area which is kind of hidden."
Some of the prostitutes are non-Gambians from Nigerian, Sierra Leone, and other West African countries.