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Gambia to get an Islamic Party
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Gambia to get an Islamic Party


When The Gambia holds its presidential election in 2019 or 2021, for the first time ever the voting population will have an opportunity to vote for an Islamic party leader.

Reports reaching What’s On-Gambia revealed a group of markaz in the Greater Banjul Area are resolved to form a party that would protect the interest of Gambian Muslims.

A source disclosed the group is in the process of compiling a list of members for the party as required by the country’s Election Act.

“They approached me to join. According to them, the country is becoming too liberal,” said our source.

He added: “Most of them are very smart young people with lucrative jobs, but are too conservative.”

About the markaz

They are members of a conservative movement within Islam called Wahhabism. The movement is named after its founder, theologian Mohamed ibn Abdul Wahhab, who was born in the 18th century in what is now Saudi Arabia.

The markaz are famous for advocating a return to a purer form of Islam, focusing on its origins and the absolute sovereignty of God.


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