Gambian with courage: I have to do this; I know my friend will ‘kill me’ if he knows I sent this to you. But I think he deserves to be up here, people need to know the good job he´s doing for his people.Â
He´s Mr. Siaka K. Dibba a social justice activist, who has great passion for road safety, women and children’s rights issues. He holds a diploma in Youth Development Work and Higher National Diploma in Population and Development and now pursuing his first degree in Finland. Siaka has over seven years working experience in the areas of youth reproductive health rights issues, gender based violence and child protection with national and international non-governmental organizations.
He has been involved in youth and community development initiatives and participated in series of national and international conferences including Beijing +15, Pan African Youth Conference on Learning for Sustainability, World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue and First Africa Youth Road Safety Assembly among others.