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Hot mic catches Lawyer Bensouda talking about Isatou Auber’s private life
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Hot mic catches Lawyer Bensouda talking about Isatou Auber’s private life

The leading counsel to the Commission of Inquiry digging into the financial activities of former President Yaya Jammeh’s  government, Amie Bensouda, was caught in an off-the-cuff conversation with her assistant, as their mics were unintentionally turned on, making a fuss about the private life of Isatou Auber, secretary to cabinet and one of the Commission’s witnesses.

This episode is a monumental embarrassment to Lawyer Bensouda, who until recently is a lawyer of high standing within the judiciary of The Gambia, and could potentially cast doubt on the courteous, dignified, sober and impartial principles integral for a fair commission of inquiry.

It happened after Isatou Auber’s testimony late last month, in which she admitted to being a signatory to former president Jammeh's clandestine bank accounts. After a brief lull, Lawyer Bensouda forgot to switch off her microphone, chatting with her assistant about the secretary to cabinet.

In other countries, especially where democratic due processes are held in high moral standards, this revelatory gaffer, if confirmed to be true, the sirens alarm calls for their heads to be scalped from the commission will have been shuttled up to the rafters.     

Although the mic didn’t capture everything they were chattering about, but the lawyer could be overheard wrapping up the conversation by asking in Wollof: “Who’s her husband?”

To this, they both started laughing and Bensouda continued, asking again: “What’s her husband’s name?”

The source, who brought the video to the attention of What’s On-Gambia, said: “Her assistant was a little bit careful. Her mic was off but from the look on her face, you can tell that she was making unflattering remarks about Isatou.”

It is not clear what business Lawyer Bensouda has with the private life of Isatou Auber, but this revelation raised eye-brows about her sense of judgement. And having strong character, the boldness to make difficult decisions and a good sense of judgement are fundamental for a lawyer. On the good sense of judgement score card, Lawyer Bensouda fell short, casting seeds of doubt in the hearts of Gambians about her fitness to sit on the commission. 

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