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Meet the ‘gangsta’ Chief of Protocol, Ndey Haddy Jeng
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Meet the ‘gangsta’ Chief of Protocol, Ndey Haddy Jeng

It looks like the American hip hop culture is having an effect on some of The Gambia’s top civil servants.

The Chief of Protocol at the Office of the President, Ndey Haddy Jeng, was recently photographed pulling a gangster style hand sign. The photo shared by former journalist Saikou Ceesay scored more than 60 likes on Facebook.

Ndey Haddy was among the senior civil servants that participated in the First Lady’s Cancer Walk 2016 that took place in Banjul last week.

The gangster style hand signs are becoming so popular in The Gambia, and according to one of our readers; it’s a common way of saying “what’s up”.

Ndey Haddy is one of the most prominent young women in State House. She holds a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Affairs from Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy.

The Chief of Protocol is the first woman in the country to graduate with a degree in Political Science from the University of The Gambia. 


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