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Online dating success story: An interview with a girl who met her Husband on Facebook
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Online dating success story: An interview with a girl who met her Husband on Facebook

You may deny it, but many Gambian marriages today get their start online. Meeting online is no longer becoming an anomaly. 

How does it work? Is internet dating gradually becoming acceptable in our society, where marriage is seen as a permanent commitment, bonding not only the married couples, but also their families?  What’s On-Gambia speaks to a 24-year-old girl, who met her husband on Facebook. She wants to remain anonymous to avoid being seen as publicity hungry. 

What’s On- Gambia: When did you join Facebook and why? 

Girl: I joined Facebook late 2009 and my main reason for joining was to make new friends and meet my family members who are living far from home. 

Before joining Facebook, were you familiar with online dating? 

No, I never knew about any dating website until one day when my junior uncle came to my house and told me about Facebook. This was because I was so fond of watching television and was nicknamed "MADAM TELE" in our compound. He suggested before sitting here all day and night watching TV, why not join Facebook and have fun with so many friends around the world. 

Now to the big question, how did you meet your husband? 

I used to go to the internet cafe to browse until one faithful day when I opened my account, I saw a friend request which I accepted and the next day we met online and started chatting. 

When did you know he was the right one? 

This man was always calling me to see how I was doing, advising me like his own sister and above all he never asked me to sleep with him. He always encouraged me to be independent. He used to come to our house and chat with my family members, especially my mother. 

Did you tell your family and friends that you met him on Facebook? 

Yea sure, I told my junior uncle who introduced me to Facebook. He was very happy for me but warned me to be careful, which I took very seriously. Later, I told my mother and some of the people very closed to me. 

What was their immediate reaction? 

 They were all happy but also warned me to be CAREFUL. 

According to some people, couples who met online and subsequently married are likely divorce after few years. What is your take on that? 

Well, that is what they think. I believe in destiny. I am happily married and I intend to stay happy with my husband, for better for worst - until death do us part. 

What are some of the biggest adjustments you made from being single to married? 

One of my biggest adjustments is that I stopped spending lot of time with friends, because I am so happy with my marriage and I don’t want anything to distract me. I changed my telephone number and also deactivated my old Facebook account, where I met my husband. 

You seem to be a happy couple. How do you keep your romance alive? 

(Laughs) Yea, I must let you know that we are really a happy couple and I managed to keep my romance alive by being a wife to my husband. I never hesitate to apologize when I wrong him. I always give him a smiling face even if am angry inside. Anyway I THANK MY GOD FOR GIVING ME A MAN LIKE HIM! 

How do you feel about your husband now compared with when you first got together? 

I love him more. He is loving, caring and spends most of his time with me, after work. . He was jealous in the beginning but now he has improved on that and I am happy about that. We share everything as husband and wife. I hold him as my husband, brother and father and will always do that because I love him so much. 

What advice would you give to girls that are still struggling to find Mr. Right? 

Well, my advice to them is please let them be PATIENT and CAREFUL.  Not everything that glitters is GOLD, so they should not rush. Let them take their time MR. RIGHT is right there and will come soon. I wish them all good luck and I hope my story will inspire them. 

I also want the readers to know that I received my husband’s support in sharing my story with my fellow Gambian girls. I am just 24 years old and my husband is 31, so you can see we are very young and we have a long way to go. I want all the readers to wish us good luck and pray for us to stay away from the DEVIL.


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