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Sorna naa si suma mboka yee: Woman accuses family of plotting to kill her
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Sorna naa si suma mboka yee: Woman accuses family of plotting to kill her

For the first time in the history of The Gambia, a Sweden-based woman has taken to Facebook to make a series of astonishing accusations against her family.

In a video posted last week on the social networking site, Neneh Cham Gaye alleged that her niece Mam Jarra Cham living in Nottingham, UK paid a marabout more than D10,000 to cast a spell that would kill her.

She said: “Mam Jarra took me to a marabout to make me disappear from this world. Her mother, Ndey Fatou Gaye sent her part of the money for the ritual process. But what they didn’t know was that the marabout called me to inform me of their plans.

Neneh added: “You can’t do anything to me. No human being can harm me.”

She further alleged that they contacted two other marabouts to put a curse on her.

The Stockholm-based drianke, whose children were taken away from her by social services, also accused Mam Jarra of being an active drug dealer.

“I heard she puts drugs in her private parts and smuggle them from England to Sweden. But anytime I hear she is back in Sweden I will call the police on her.”

Speaking to What’s On-Gambia, Neneh said: “I have been suffering since 2012 from my sister Ndey Fatou Gaye in New York and her daughter, Mam Jarra Cham in Nottingham, England. They have influenced my children to lie against me and they are now taken from me and I was jailed for 9 months, both me and my husband. I was pregnant before I was locked in and I gave birth in the prison. They’re telling everyone that am mentally ill.”

She continued: “I am not mentally ill. I may not be an intellectual but am still with my five common senses. Dara jotu ma. I need help from Gambian elders since my family has turned their back on me.”


Watch below the video Neneh posted on Facebook


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