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Teacher gets one of Foni’s brightest students pregnant
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Teacher gets one of Foni’s brightest students pregnant

A teacher at Somita Basic Cycle School has allegedly impregnated one of the brightest students in the school. 

In a message to What's On-Gambia, one of his colleagues wrote: "I have a case to share with you, but I don't want my identity and that of the underage girl on social media.

"A teacher in Somita Bsic Cycle impregnated a Grade 8 student. She is one of the smartest in the school. The principal visited the girl's parents and managed to convince them that taking the matter to court would cost them a lot of money and time."

According to him, the girl lives in the village of Kandonku and commutes to school. 

The principal of Somita Basic Cycle School, Koyo Kandeh declined to comment when contacted by What's On-Gambia, saying: "I am in a public vehicle and cannot talk here."

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