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They hate it! Please stop calling female tourists “Boss Lady”
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They hate it! Please stop calling female tourists “Boss Lady”

Many female tourists visiting The Gambia find it horribly annoying when bumsters in the Senegambia Strip call them, “Boss Lady”.

This was revealed recently on What’s On-Gambia’s Facebook page, following the online magazine’s decision to ban the use of the word “toubab” to refer to white people.

One Martina Sowe wrote: “I personally don’t have yet a problem with being called "toubab”, its "boss lady" that I really dislike.”

According to some of them, it has a bit of condescension to it.

“It sounds negative for me,” added Daniella Mbaye.

Lesley Paterson said “boss lady” rips her knitting.  “I just don't answer anyone who calls me that.”

Speaking to a few bumsters on the Poco Loco beach, it seems it’s going to take a while before they stop referring to tourist women as boss ladies. 


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