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Time for Gambian women to rejoice!
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Time for Gambian women to rejoice!

Have you been faced with difficulties to conceive or you have had several miscarriages? Worry no more; Safe Haven Foundation is now here to give you all the support through your fertility journey.

Founded on the guiding principle of supporting women with fertility problems and recurring miscarriages, the foundation aims at addressing the marginalized women in these predicaments by providing both financial and emotional support to them.

As the only foundation in The Gambia championing the cause for infertility treatment for all deserving women, Safe Haven has a vision to ensure the Gambian community has increase awareness on misconceptions surrounding issues of infertility and create a platform for women to share experiences with a view to getting the required guidance and counselling from experts in the area.

After the official launch of the foundation in a month, it seeks to embark on a vigorous nationwide awareness campaign which will include using all forms of media for getting the messages across and reaching out to women in the most remote areas to break the culture of silence and register with the foundation. Each region will have a project support manager to ensure equal access to opportunities.

These support projects will focus on the following key intervention areas:

Peer Support:  This will comprise of women with similar problems but different experiences to share a platform for mutual benefit. It is aim at building the confidence of participants to openly share their experiences and as well learn new coping skills in their fertility difficulties. 

 Professional-Led Forums: This is a platform where women affected will have the opportunity for a one and one with professionals to answer their questions relating to their fertility status. These sessions will be led by trained volunteers and professionals from the foundation’s partner clinics like Medi Care and Dimbaaya fertility for Africa Project. It will also be open to the general public to access information on infertility and recommendations for treatment.

Financial Grants: Safe Haven will also grant selected women and their spouses free screening and treatments if need be at partner clinics.

The funds however, will be granted to the less privilege for the screening and fertility treatment.

 The founder of Safe Heaven Foundation

Sainey Ceesay Jammeh is the founder of the foundation. Born in 1983, she holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.

She told What’s On-Gambia: “We calling on everyone to be part of this life changing experience beginning with the First Lady FatouMatta Bah – Barrow, Minister for Women's Affairs Fatoumata Tambajang and the Executive Director of the Women’s Bureau.”

Contact Safe Heavn Fundation

Email:[email protected]

Website: www.safehavenfdn.com

Mobile: 7773385

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