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Tribute to Gamcel’s former General Manager, Phoday S.Sisay
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Tribute to Gamcel’s former General Manager, Phoday S.Sisay

On the 22nd day of Ramadan 2015 Phoday S. Sisay was lifted. God sent Malak al-Maut down to escort him to the heaven in dignity and respect after the completion of his mission at age 63.

Answering to God's call was a man of many accomplishments. Phoday, even though you had the option to live, work and become a citizen of the most powerful country in world (United States), you upon completion of your studies decided to return home to contribute your part in the development of your country, The Gambia.

Ba Faye, even though you were offered several of more financially attractive jobs, both home and abroad, you decided to work for Gamtel, accepting relative little incentives at the time. You rose through the ranks in Gamtel deservedly from an officer to manager, to senior manager and director of Customer Care.

With continued dedication, hardwork, trust, responsibility and competence, you excelled to the position of Deputy Managing Director (DMD), a position that you held for many years with excellence. Loyalty truly pays and you were made the CEO calling the shots at the country's bastion of hope in Telecommunications.

In 2006, with Gamtel as the mother of the nation's GSM company, and the pace of GSM competition and growth at a critical stage, your choice as the General Manager of Gamcel couldn't have come at a better time and didn't fail as you steered the affairs of the company untill your honorable retirement in 2012, bringing your vast experience and quality management skills to bear. The history of telecommunications cannot be completed without a mention of your name, Phoday S. Sisay.

Your contribution to Islam and support to Muslims throughout the length and breadth of the country is uncountable. The ‘masjid’ you built at your compound will continue to serve Muslims in that vicinity. On many occasions, you financed the constructions of Mosques in this country as stated by the Imams and other mosque committee members who graced your funeral.

Your status did not turn you away from your religion and you never compromised the five daily prayers at its right time and place. Anyone who stayed in your compound must pray regularly otherwise be reprimanded. Indeed, you were exemplary in the area of religion; you found the right balance between work and religion until you passed away. On the very day of your demise, you were on a religious mission to Banjul to replace the microphone of your masjid and sent money for the villagers to share in the last ten days of the Holy Month and in the event you answered to the call of your creator.

He was the sort of man that preferred to "show you how to fish rather give you fish all the time." He has created so many job opportunities for the youth in this country.

In short, Alhagie Phoday S. Sisay, is the true definition of a patriot, respected civil servant, religious and good family man.

Written by Sering Ceesay

Staff, Gamcel


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