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Why do Fula girls prefer men from other tribes over their own?
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Why do Fula girls prefer men from other tribes over their own?

Today, it is common to see Fula girls marrying men outside their community. A growing number of them are shunning Fula men for men from other tribes.

What is it about Fula men that is scaring their women away?

According to a Bakau-based Fula girl, who wants to remain anonymous, their men are shy and inept at expressing their intimate feelings.

She said: “Our men don't value their wives. They're romantic to other tribes but not us. And also they are stingy.”

However, popular youth activist, Isatou Barry disagreed: “I think it is totally wrong to generalise. I am a Fula and I have male relatives who value, honour and adore their wives. I see them helping them with cooking, taking care of the children and household chores.”

She added: “I don’t think our men are stingy. I would say they like spending wisely and investing smartly. I have seen some of them spoiling their wives with gifts.”

The president of Fulbeh Africa, an organisation consisting of young Fulas, said their elders are now embracing mix marriage as normal. Ousman Sowe attributed this to tribal tolerance in The Gambia.

“Generations have changed which has also affected our beliefs. Traditionally, parents would identify who their children would marry, but this has changed now in most of our communities,” he said.

He continued: “Some of the Fula girls wait for too long for their Fula suitors and would at some extend decide to marry outside.”

Ousman’s organisation recently organised a conference at the Father Farrell Hall, Westfield. It was focused on the role of the Fula language in conserving the culture, tradition and history of the Fula tribe.


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