Why has there been such a rise in the cost of male circumcision in The Gambia? This a question some parents are asking.
A young father, who recently contacted What's On-Gambia, said the cost of male circumcision has significantly risen.
"I wanted to circumcise my son and they overcharged me. Three years ago, I paid D250 to the same guy, but today he is charging D1,500," he said.
The young father continued: "According to him, things are hard in The Gambia now. Drugs are very expensive. But what drugs is he talking about?
"How can poor families afford D1,500 to circumcise their male children? This is very unfair."
Male circumcision is compulsory in Islam. It is said by Prophet Muhammad and his companions to be a form of purity, analogous to shaving pubic hair, armpit hair, cutting and filing your nails, and trimming mustache hair.