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Anna starts online show to help Gambians get better at sex
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Anna starts online show to help Gambians get better at sex

In traditional Gambian communities, there’s always a go-to mentor-like figure for young girls to confide in and ask questions about how to navigate womanhood, life skills, among other issues associated with growing up. It is the ‘‘Bajen’’ in Wolof societies or ‘‘Mbinki’’ in Mandinka communities. 

Think of Anna Buttner as the Big Bajen or the Big Mbinki for Gambian and African women ( and men) who opens her doors for candid, open, and explicit conversations about sex and sexiness in marriages and relationships. 

Anna, a Gambian wife and mother who lives in the United States, runs a podcast called ‘‘Lotus Flower’’ where she shares educative but saucy lessons about how couples can spice up their sex lives. 

The show is a huge step in breaking the taboo of publicly discussing sex among Gambians. Lotus Flower is relatively new as it started only at the ending of last year (2020) but it is fast becoming a popular sensation among men and women looking to enhance their bedroom lives. 

Anna’s greatest appeal is that no topic is off limit as she discusses everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about sex and bedroom mystique. Some of the topics include sex tips, the importance of foreplay, sex positions women love (and vice versa for men), the misconceptions and benefits of masturbation for women, especially virgins, how to initiate sex, among others. 

In one of her latest updates, she gives tips on how a man can make a woman knees buckle, toes curl, body sweat, and pussy cum in no time. 

Listening to the difficult and sensitive topic of sex is made nice and easy by Anna’s great mastery in delivery and presentation. She combines a delicate and rare sense/skills of cockiness, sassiness, expertise, and politeness all at once. 

A fan of Anna’s, who doesn’t want to be named, says a lot of young Gambian women are listening to the podcast for ideas on how to keep their relationship healthy and happy. 

‘’Sex is an essential part of any relationship, so it is important we learn how to do it right’’, she said. 

Another listener said, as soon as he discovered the podcast, he shared it with his wife. ‘’This type of show is needed. Although most Gambians are generally interested in sex, and to be honest, we do it all the time, they are shy to discuss it. Now I can go and learn how to do it better’’. 

To access the show, search ‘’Lotus Flower’’ on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Instagram


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