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Five signs you will NEVER become a millionaire in The Gambia
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Five signs you will NEVER become a millionaire in The Gambia

Many books have been written and many inspiring speeches telling people how to become rich. But here are five signs that you will never become a millionaire on the Smiling Coast of Africa, The Gambia.

When you spend all your salary without saving a single dalasi:Some would complain that Gambia easywut. But despite, if your dream is to become a millionaire, saving should be non-negotiable.

Worrying about your family members and friends and forgetting to do for yourself:When you spend a good deal of your income funding naming ceremonies, weddings, funerals, gamous etc., you will never be a millionaire. Reorganize your priorities!

Entrusting your business with a family member or friend:It could be seen as the fastest way to the top, but in reality, it is dangerous. If you think the best way to help a brother or cousin is to invite them to run your business, congratulations. You have made the decision that is going to make you cry one day.

Buying things to show off:Placing too much importance on appearing rich can seriously drain your coffers. If you want to be a millionaire, you have to delay self-gratification.

Visiting marabouts regularly:What happen to your iman? Marabouts are con artists. They would take all your money and by the time you realize it you are one million miles away from being a millionaire. 


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