GAMBIAN WITH COURAGE: Faith Cole is a Gambian and proud to be a Gambian. Trained as a nurse in Scotland, she runs her own medical company in London.
Being in the United Kingdom as a black nurse, she felt that she shouldn't be the underdog. She wants to be remembered as a Gambian who was born with a single parent, went abroad to further her studies and became a successful woman.
Faith is a person who feels sorry for her neighbour, who wants to help humanity, who loves life, who loves to work hard, and who wants to reach heights.
She once donated 140,000 pounds with four ambulances to Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, after which president Jammeh awarded her with MRG in recognition of her patriotic fervor.
A few days ago, Faith was at the School of Nursing to share her knowledge and experience with students. Thumbs up for the Aku sister!!!
Photo: Faith with her beautiful daughters!